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The Business Case for Employee Well-Being: Why Happy Employees = Happy Bottom Line


by Ian France


We’ve explored the importance of trust and growth mindsets as core drivers of business success. But these strategies are only effective when paired with a genuine investment in your team’s well-being. In this post, we’ll make the business case for prioritizing employee well-being—and how it can positively impact everything from productivity to profitability.



A growing body of research shows that happy, healthy employees aren’t just more productive—they’re more loyal, creative, and engaged. According to a Gallup study, employees who feel well-cared for are 21% more productive and 43% more likely to stay with their company long-term. So how can you foster well-being in your organization?


Work-Life Balance: In today’s connected world, it’s all too easy for employees to be "always on." Promote policies that encourage employees to disconnect after work hours, use their vacation days, and maintain a healthy balance between personal life and professional commitments.


Mental Health Support: Companies that take mental health seriously create an environment where employees feel safe seeking help. Offering resources like Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), wellness stipends, or access to counseling services can make a huge difference.


Physical Wellness: While on-site gyms and yoga classes are great perks, smaller initiatives like encouraging walking meetings, offering healthy snacks, and promoting good ergonomics at workstations can also have a big impact on physical health.


Purpose-Driven Work: Employees who feel a strong sense of purpose are far more likely to be engaged and satisfied with their jobs. Help your team understand how their roles contribute to the company’s mission and the larger good. This connection to purpose is a significant part of their overall well-being.


Incorporating well-being into your company culture doesn’t just benefit your employees—it benefits your bottom line. When employees feel cared for, they are more engaged, perform better, and are less likely to leave, saving your business the costs associated with turnover and burnout.


Prioritizing employee well-being is not just the right thing to do—it’s also a smart business move. With this holistic view of the human side of business, we hope you’re starting to see how these interconnected strategies can transform your organization. Stay tuned as we continue to explore innovative ways to build a more human-centered business.

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